Birds are feathered, winged, two legged, warm blooded, egg laying vertebrates. Birds are characterised by feathers, a beak with no teeth, the laying of hard-shelled eggs, a high metabolic rate, a four chambered heart and a light weight but a strong skeleton.
What they eat: a few birds eat repeseed including quails, doves, finches and juncos. If you're not getting these, the repeseed will be left to spoil. This is very popular with house sparrows and cowbirds, so should not be offered. Other species that eat cannary seed are equally happy with sunflower seed. They also eat other types of seeds bread and insects.
Types of birds: red-crested turaco, shoebill, white tailed tropic bird, steelers sea eagle, black crowned crane, common peafowl, mandarin duck, Anna's hummingbird, Atlantic puffin, southern cassowary, rainbow lorkeet, American flamingo, Gentoo penguin, great blue heron, blue-footed booby, bar-throated minla, Eurasian eagle-owl,keel-billed toucan and much much more. Did you know: ostriches are the biggest bird in the world (that are alive)
This information was from Wikipedia and all about birds (please leave a comment if you have an animal you want me to tell you about).
Unicorns and Doggies!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteokay, next time can you say what i need to work on.
Deleteokay, next time can you say what i need to work on.