Saturday, 1 August 2015

Animal info: all about Dogs!

The domestic dog s a domesticated canid which has been selectively bred for millennia for various behaviors, sensory capabilities and physical attributes.
What dogs eat: Wild dogs eat a variety of food which consists mainly of prey animals. Prey animals are composed of raw meat, raw bones, organs, other tissue and digested vegetable matter. While dogs are carnivores they do consume a small amount of the vegetable matter contained in the stomach and intestines of their prey.Domestic animals eat dog food, bones and meat.
Types of dogs:Afghan hound, Labrador, German shepherd, bulldog, poodle, beagle, pug, great dane, border collie, maltese and much more cute types of dogs.
Lifespan: around 13 years.
Did you know: A panting dog can take 300-400 breaths (compared to their regular 30-40) with very little effort.
This information is from Wikipedia (please leave a comment if you have an animal you want me to tell you about)

1 comment:

  1. Hi chloe as i can see you love animals and i love them to and i really love dogs so i can't wate to hare from you bye for now
