Sunday, 21 June 2015

Turtle as a class pet persuasion

I believe, that a turtle is definitely the most suitable class pet for Halberg.

My research proves that a red-eared slider turtle is a quite turtle and it’s a really good breed because you can get them in different sizes (to fit the tank) and this particular type of turtle can go on land and in water.

In addition a red-eared slider turtle will be great to write informational stories about or the turtle could be a prompt for our 100 word challenge! Also we could see how much the turtle grows in weeks,months or years.

We will all commit to take part in caring for the turtle.We will need a glass tank which is a good size, ramps, climbing equipment and 6 to 7 types of food ( they are mainly carnivores) and a good safe place where the turtle gets the morning sun ( i would suggest the back bench or by pep the bear).

Lucy and I will raise the money for the turtle and the equipment by doing mufti day, bake sale and a gold coin donation. Surely we will have enough money.

Obviously, a turtle would be great for Halberg to learn about and of course by far the best pet for Halberg.


  1. Hi Chloe, a well-structured persuasion. I like the time connectives and strong convincing language you have used, such as 'My research proves...', 'In addition' and 'obviously.' Good work!

    1. Thanks, will we do another competition and then get a class pet?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. totally agree with having a turtle as a class pet! But they are hard work sometimes!!!
