Friday 5 June 2015

Animal info: all about unicorns!

The unicorn is a legendary animal that has been described since antiquity as a beast with a large,pointed, spiraling horn projecting it's forehead. I think they are friendly.
What they eat: however, they survive in many remote and harsh regions where food is not as easily found and where choices are perhaps less appetising. Lavender is one of there favourites and grass, plants, leave and kind of what horses eat.
Types of unicorns: there is only one type of unicorns they are just different colours unless you count Pegasus its a unicorn just with wings as well as a horn.
Lifespan:around 100-150 years if the conditions are right.
Did you know: they normally live in groups of four to five and are as close and as happy as any family.
This information is from Wikipedia (please leave a comment if you have an animal you want me to tell you about)


  1. Hi Chloe,
    your unicorn facts are interesting and very cool.You used some amazing describing words. Did you check to see if it made sense? I think that unicorns are awesome but I have not seen one in NZ yet. could you please find out about wolves or zebras. thanks
    From Kaylee

    1. thanks for the advice kaylee i will get around to doing wolves and zebras.

    2. thanks for the advice kaylee i will get around to doing wolves and zebras.

  2. Thank you Chloe for doing my animal choice!!! Could you please do chickens!!!!!

    1. okay just after doing dogs,wolves,zebras and then chickens.

    2. And bears๐Ÿ˜„

  3. Hi Chloe,
    That was a very interesting post.
    When you said leave did you mean leaves, because that would make more sense.
    If you have time could you do wombats!๐Ÿ˜„

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.
