Thursday, 27 August 2015

My Pic Collage

At school we learnt how to use pic collage. I made one about my personality and some of my friends. Using pic collage is very fun and you can learn new things from this app.

Monday, 10 August 2015

Animal info: All about chickens!

The chicken is a domesticated fowl, a subspecies of the red jungle fowl. As one of the most common and widespread domestic animals.
What they eat: Chickens eat vegetables, fruits, flowers, grass and grains/seeds.They also scratch around to find bugs.
Types of Chickens: Plymouth rock chicken, Silkie chicken, Australorp chicken, Jeresy giant chicken, Rose comb chicken, new Hampshire chicken, Pekin chicken, Java chicken and many more.
Lifespan: 5-10 years.
Did you know: Chickens clean each other by pecking the dirt/bugs out of each others feathers.
This information is from Wikipedia (please leave a comment if you have an animal you want me to tell you about).

Saturday, 1 August 2015

Animal info: All about rabbits!

Rabbits are small mammals in the family Leporidae of the order Lagomorpha, found in several parts of the word.There are many other species of rabbits, along with Pikas and Hares.
Lifespan: 9-12 years
What they eat: Rabbits naturally eat root vegetables/fruit.Carrots/fruit are high in sugar and should only be fed in small amounts occasional treats.Rabbits need mainly and grass, some leafy greens and pellets.
Types of Rabbits:Mini lop, flemish giants, french angora, continental giant rabbit, jersey wooly, pygmy Rabbit and many, many more.
Did you know: The male Rabbit is called a buck the female is a doe; a young rabbit is a kitten or a kit.
This information is from Wikipedia (please leave a comment if you have an animal you want me to tell you about).

Animal info: all about Dogs!

The domestic dog s a domesticated canid which has been selectively bred for millennia for various behaviors, sensory capabilities and physical attributes.
What dogs eat: Wild dogs eat a variety of food which consists mainly of prey animals. Prey animals are composed of raw meat, raw bones, organs, other tissue and digested vegetable matter. While dogs are carnivores they do consume a small amount of the vegetable matter contained in the stomach and intestines of their prey.Domestic animals eat dog food, bones and meat.
Types of dogs:Afghan hound, Labrador, German shepherd, bulldog, poodle, beagle, pug, great dane, border collie, maltese and much more cute types of dogs.
Lifespan: around 13 years.
Did you know: A panting dog can take 300-400 breaths (compared to their regular 30-40) with very little effort.
This information is from Wikipedia (please leave a comment if you have an animal you want me to tell you about)

Animal info:All about Bears!

Bears are mammals of the family Ursidae. Bears are classified as caniforms, or dog-like carnivors, with the pinnipeds being their closet living relatives.
What they eat: Although all species of bears, including black and grizzly bears, are technically of the order Carnivora, they are essentially omnivores that eat plants, insect, fish and other animals.
Types of bears: American black bear,Cinnamon bear, brown bear, grizzly bear, sun bear, polar bear, sloth bear and many more.
Lifespan: In the wild they live up to 25 years.
Did you know: Grizzly bears have a better sense of smell than a hound dog!
This information is from Wikipedia (please leave a comment if you have a animal you want me to tell you about)

Animal info:All about Wolves!

The grey wolf also known as the timber wolf, is a canid native to the wilderness and remote areas of North America, Eurasia, Northern, Eastern and western Africa.
What they eat:Wolves are carnivores, which means they eat meat as their main food source. Wolves hunt mostly large, hoofed animals including different kinds of deer, mountain goats, moose, elk and bison. They will also hunt hares, beavers, bird and fish.
Types of Wolves:Grey wolf, Arctic wolf, Red wolf, Indian wolf, Himalayan wolf, Ethiopian wolf, Eastern wolf and more.
Lifespan: Their average lifespan is 5-6 years but can be up to 13 years in the wild.
Did you know: Wolves speed is 50-60 km/h!
This information is from Wikipedia (please leave a comment if you have an animal you want me to tell you about)

Friday, 3 July 2015


HE MIHI - Self Introduction

Tēnā koutou e hoa mā       (Greetings to you all)
Ko Aoraki te maunga (My mountain is Mt Cook)

Ko te Waihora te moana     (My lake is Ellesmere)
Ko Aotearoa te iwi (My people are New Zealanders)

Ko Springston toku kura, (My school is Springston)                       

Ko Paul toku matua, (My father is paul)
Ko  Gail  toku whāea,  (My mother is Gail)

ko  Haidee toku tuahine, (My sister is Haidee)
Ko  chloe  taku ingoa,   (My name is Chloe)
No Mako Mako ahau (I am from springston)

No reira,        (Therefore- greetings to you all)

Tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, katoa.ko

Wednesday, 24 June 2015

I-Time reflection

  Something I have enjoyed in I-Time is doing the 100 word challenge, finishing off our         I-Connect facility slides (Inquiry) and blogging.
 An activity I would like to add to I-Time is more time to finish off work e.g. our reading  activity' s, math times tables and art.

Sunday, 21 June 2015

Turtle as a class pet persuasion

I believe, that a turtle is definitely the most suitable class pet for Halberg.

My research proves that a red-eared slider turtle is a quite turtle and it’s a really good breed because you can get them in different sizes (to fit the tank) and this particular type of turtle can go on land and in water.

In addition a red-eared slider turtle will be great to write informational stories about or the turtle could be a prompt for our 100 word challenge! Also we could see how much the turtle grows in weeks,months or years.

We will all commit to take part in caring for the turtle.We will need a glass tank which is a good size, ramps, climbing equipment and 6 to 7 types of food ( they are mainly carnivores) and a good safe place where the turtle gets the morning sun ( i would suggest the back bench or by pep the bear).

Lucy and I will raise the money for the turtle and the equipment by doing mufti day, bake sale and a gold coin donation. Surely we will have enough money.

Obviously, a turtle would be great for Halberg to learn about and of course by far the best pet for Halberg.

Friday, 5 June 2015

Animal info: all about unicorns!

The unicorn is a legendary animal that has been described since antiquity as a beast with a large,pointed, spiraling horn projecting it's forehead. I think they are friendly.
What they eat: however, they survive in many remote and harsh regions where food is not as easily found and where choices are perhaps less appetising. Lavender is one of there favourites and grass, plants, leave and kind of what horses eat.
Types of unicorns: there is only one type of unicorns they are just different colours unless you count Pegasus its a unicorn just with wings as well as a horn.
Lifespan:around 100-150 years if the conditions are right.
Did you know: they normally live in groups of four to five and are as close and as happy as any family.
This information is from Wikipedia (please leave a comment if you have an animal you want me to tell you about)

My persuasion

My persuasion is to have a class pet.
The first reason I'm desperate to have a class pet is that it teaches you if you ever want to be a teacher,babysitter ,looking after pets or anything were you need to look after other people's kids or animals.
The second reason is that I believe Halberg or any one that comes into Halberg will take care of the class pet we could even have rules ( like in the Icubes) and a chart like cazs chart just for feeding and cleaning the pet.
The third reason is kids like pets there are magnificent, cute and are fun to be with and I did a survey
 and the results were 21 out of 24 kids craved a class pet.
To sum up having a class pet will teach kids how to look after younger, smaller things and we will be responsible with the pet.                                      

                                                                                 Take me home!

Wednesday, 27 May 2015

All about my pets

my pets are fun and I love them. Wally is my family's cat he chases his tail plays with bits of foam and loves to be patted.he eats meat, ice cream and is addictive to cheese. He sleeps on me and mum and sits on my dads chair!
Ginger is my bunny he does tricks like jumping through hops and running round and round his pen and loves to be played with.he eats Apple, carrot, pellets and loves his banana! When I feed him he steps on my feet and tickles my legs with his whiskers.
Mike and biscuit are my guinea pigs they love going in tunnels.we give them baths and they love to be cuddled. They eat pellets, grass, carrot, Apple, broccoli and celery.when I go to feed them they put their little paws up on the gate.
Frankie, poppy,blacks,spec and nim they sleep on a perch with three nets to lay their eggs in. The eat seeds, bread, food walls doesn't eat and whatever we don't eat for breakfast. They walk around the house and put themselve to bed.
We have four outside fish that don't really have names they had ones to start with but now they have got older now.they swim around in a pond and through tunnels. They eat fish food that looks like brown sprinkles! We also have three inside fish called chip that's the oldest (he's haidees)and bubbles (he's mine) and Moro (he's mums)they swim around in the inside tank with stones and tunnels.they eat fish food flakes.

Thursday, 14 May 2015

Animal info : All about cats!

The domestic cat is a small, usually furry, domesticated, and carnivorous mammal. They are often called a house cat when kept as an indoor pet, or simply a cat when there is no need to distinguish them from other fields and felines.
Lifespan: around15 yr (Domesticated)
What they eat: cat food is food for consumption by cats. Cats have requirements for their specific dietary nutrients. Certain nutrients, including many vitamins and amino acids, are degraded by the temperatures, pressures and chemical treatments used during manufacture, and hence must be added after manufacture to avoid nutritional deficiency. They eat meat e.g. Chicken, beef , tuna, salmon (from the super market) and sometimes they jump on the table and steel your cheese and ice cream!  Types of cats: simase cat, Persian cat, British cat, Maine coon cat, American short hair cat, Bengal cat, exotic short hair cat,  Ragdoll cat, sphynx cat, abyssinian cat, Burmese cat, Norwegian forest cat, Scottish fold cat,Siberian cat, Turkish angora cat, Himalayan cat, Birman cat, tabby cat , munchkin cat, Bombay cat, American bobtail cat, Savannah cat, Russian blue cat and  Turkish van cat and much, much more!
Did you know: cats always land on their feet even if they are falling backwards! And that the only reason cats eat grass is so the have a fur ball so the don't get even more sick by keeping it in them!  

                                                                                                     This information was from Wikipedia. (Please leave a comment if you have an animal that you want me to tell you about)

Animal info: all about birds!

Birds are feathered, winged, two legged, warm blooded, egg laying vertebrates. Birds are characterised by feathers, a beak with no teeth, the laying of hard-shelled eggs, a high metabolic rate, a four chambered heart and a light weight but a strong skeleton.
What they eat: a few birds eat repeseed including quails, doves, finches and juncos. If you're not getting these, the repeseed will be left to spoil. This is very popular with house sparrows and cowbirds, so should not be offered. Other species that eat cannary seed are equally happy with sunflower seed. They also eat other types of seeds bread and insects.
Types of birds: red-crested turaco, shoebill, white tailed tropic bird, steelers sea eagle, black crowned crane, common peafowl, mandarin duck, Anna's hummingbird, Atlantic puffin, southern cassowary, rainbow lorkeet, American flamingo, Gentoo penguin, great blue heron, blue-footed booby, bar-throated minla, Eurasian eagle-owl,keel-billed toucan and much much more.                                   Did you know: ostriches are the biggest bird in the world (that are alive)
This information was from Wikipedia and all about birds (please leave a comment if you have an animal you want me to tell you about).

Thursday, 26 March 2015


                                                 All About Me      

My favourite colour is green.

My favourite sport is athletics.

My favourite subject is art.                    

My favourite books are animal books.

My favourite snack is crackers.

Two things I am really good at are athletics and caring for animals.

Two cool things I did this summer are going to the beach and doing athletic competition.

Something I want to learn this year is japanese and french.